- TMW strips for cladding
Square-edged, heat treated, planed for outdoor use
تقديم المنتوج

- Thermally modified sawn timber (TMW) produced using trees from French PEFC certified forests.
- Machined strips with square-cut ends, bundled with barcode
الأحجام و الجودة
1 500 up to
3 000 mm
80 to 140 mm
22-29 mm

Machining accuracy verified daily
- OAK: Standardised EC grade Q-F1b to Q-F3, comparable to Class 4 of French standard for facades exposed to rain
- BEECH: sound knots permitted, comparable to Class 3 of French standard
- POPLAR: sound knots permitted, comparable to Class 3 of French standard
- ASH: sound knots permitted, comparable to Class 3 of French standard
Options: profiling, finger jointing
Variant: rough sawn strips
Strips installed outside to improve thermal insulation and protect buildings from bad weather.
Increased durability due to heating, restricts leaching, guaranteed free of chemicals.
Use indoors for decorative components of floors or walls due to its dark colour.
Minimum surface area : 200 m²